GI Grand Rounds: Boards Review Jeopardy + QI Methodology
Meeting ID: 937 9663 8042
Password: 152798
Test Event
Text for the test event.
GI Pearls for LGBTQ Patients with Justin Field, MD
Meeting ID: 979 2391 6374
Password: 133521
One Click Join from a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android device:
How to Integrate Genetics in your Gastroenterology Practice with Aparajita Singh, MD
Meeting ID: 979 2391 6374
Password: 133521
One Click Join from a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android device:
Dr. Jennifer Lai Receives Academic Senate Distinction In Mentoring Award
The UCSF Academic Senate is happy to announce the faculty selected by peers as the 2023 Distinction in Teaching and Distinction in Mentoring Award winners.
Intestinal Ultrasound in IBD with Rishika Chugh, MD
ZOOM info is sent out weekly with grand rounds reminders.
GI Grand Rounds
Dr. Aparajita Singh will be presenting on the topic of the Approach to Hereditary GI Cancers.
ZOOM information is sent by weekly reminders to the GI Grand Rounds Listserv.
Dr. Nghiem Ha receives 2021-2022 UCSF Health Exceptional Physician Award
Nghiem Ha, MD, was nominated and selected based on his demonstration of UCSF’s core values of PRIDE — Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity, and Excellence. His hard work, dedication, and contribution is a testament to the exemplary relationships he has with faculty, staff, and patients, and his steadfast commitment to providing outstanding care for our patients.